
Tuan Essay 4

Page history last edited by PBworks 19 years, 2 months ago

On Campus.



On the tenth of December, the students from World History class at Mira Mesa High were having a good-bye party for Mr. Smith. He was a World History’s teacher for the passed ten years. The reason Mr. Smith was leaving the school because his mother was very ill. He was the only child in his family and had to go back to Arizona to see his mother. Mr. Smith was a great teacher. His techniques of teaching have made everyone in his class understand his teaching quickly and enjoy learning. Such as, playing History Jeopardy can help the student learn more abut the history while playing the game. The entire students will be missing Mr. Smith very much for not being around at school. Moreover, the students also made “Thank You” card for their teacher and gave it to him at the party. Mr. Smith was very happy and emotional that he said, “I will remember each and every one of you.” After the party was over, everyone helped clean up and said good-bye to Mr. Smith. It was a short good-bye part, but they were very proud of themselves that they have made a wonderful party for their wonderful teacher, Mr. Smith.

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