
Tuan Essay 2

Page history last edited by PBworks 19 years, 2 months ago

My goal.


My goal for this semester is to pass all of my two English classes. Ten steps to


building college reading skills is my first English class. If I want to pass the ten steps to


building college reading skills is I need to go to school all the time, and no absences, no


late attendance. Do all my homework at home, like reading the chapter understands what


they are. Study the vocabulary, matching words with definitions. After that I needs to


practice with my friends, and study hard. In order me to do that I need to take a lot of


good notes from my instructor and lesson what she say in the class room. My second


class is sentence skills with readings. To pass this class is I need to read the book and


fine out what is a paragraph. In the paragraph first is topic sentences are. A topic


sentence is a state the main idea, presents the topic of the paragraph. support sentences


are specific points that support the main idea. Last one is concluding sentence is to add


finality, wraps up the paragraph. In conclusion, I feel great about myself, because I do all


the work and I know a lot of new vocabulary word. Also I know what a paragraph is.

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