
Tuan Essay 1

Page history last edited by PBworks 19 years, 2 months ago

The Most Disappointed Person Was My Friend, Tom.


The most disappointed person was my best friend, Tom because he was depending on his friend for his school works, wasting a year in University of California, Riverside and dropping out from school at the end of the school year. In the years of 2002, Tom came to Riverside for school and was depending on his friend, John to help him with his homework and tests because they lived together in a dorm. During the studying time, he did not bother to go ask for a tutor help because he thought John would help him out. Tom asked John to help him with his Chemistry, but John was too busy studying for his own test that he would not be able to help him out. At the end of the school years, Tom noticed he had wasted a year in college because he was taking the same class as his friend so he can help him with his works but it turned out everyone is busy. Moreover, he took too many classes that he could not handle and ended up failing the class. For that reason, he had to drop out from college because his grade point average was below 2.00 and so the finical aid could not provide the tuition because he did not qualify. Therefore, he did not have enough money to support his living expense and tuition for his school and had no choice to drop out from school. In conclusion, I feel so disappointed at Tom because the reason he did not care much for his school education, and thought that he will get through with the help of his friend, but he end up failing the class and have to leave school because of his tuition problem.

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