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Welcome to Jose's Writing Portfolio Wiki!


This is a wiki for my Basic Writing Skills course. I will be using this site to do peer editing and to share my writing with the class.


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Personal Reflection:

I believe I am an average writer. I can come up with an idea but sometimes it is hard for me to compose it into a paragraph. I really tried hard to improve my writing skills by practicing my writing through our journals and by paying attention in class. By acting out these actins and my decision, I showed and proved to myself that I can be better my writing skills and keep on improving. I have learned a great deal this semester and due to this, all the lessons I have learned I will be able to use in my future schooling and career.












-------> CUT & PASTE ESSAY #1 HERE Remove arrows<----------


My Essays

Most disappointed


Picture this, you wake up in beautiful Chihuahua, Mexico, say “Buenos Dias” to you older sister, younger brother, mother and father. Then going off to school with all of your childhood friends, where the predominant and official language is Spanish. Then in a Heartbeat, the life you once knew is complete changed. This occurrence is the reason why moving away from my home in Mexico leaving my friends and at school and most important my family and moving to Mesa, Arizona, is the most disappointing event only life this far. Leaving everything everyone in have known to a radical, new environment m and having to make new friends, adjusting to a new school, live in a new household (with my aunt and uncle four cousins and my grandfather and grandmother) and most difficult to adjust to, I am now very happy to be here in Arizona, now having tons of new friends, enjoying my new school and being in ht school winning basketball team.




"My favorite goal"


My goal in life is to be in the NBA. More specifically on the L.A. Lakers team. Ever since I was a little boy this has been my dream. I love basketball and play it almost everyday. I realize to achieve this goal I have to be very dedicated to the sport I love so much. I am going to transfer to a D1 university, then next thing you know I will be wearing a Lakers jersey. Just watch for me on T.V.!




"A Disagreeable Characteristic"



I believe my most disagreeable trait is my short-temper on the basketball court (S). This characteristic is shown in the heat of the game (S). When my adrenaline gets pumping in the game and then the refs make a ridiculous call my short-temper appears (CP). Usually I can catch myself before I get into too much trouble, but it’s hard for me to bite my tongue (CP). Yet, I’m glad to say I’ve never been given a “T” (Technical) (S). I guess you can say every passionate athlete could be guilty of the same disagreeable characteristic, whether they like to admit it or not (CX). As for me I’m just going to blame this trait on my intense passion for this game (CX).




"Home vs. Alumni"


My most recent event on campus was my home basketball game. My first home basketball game on Wednesday November 2nd, 2005. We played at our home court at South Mountain cc at 7:30 p.m. Our opponent on this day was the Alumni, or previous SMCC basketball players. The game was intense and we won by a lot to very little, even one point away from scoring 100 points. Hopefully this successful event will be followed by many other basketball cougars.



"International Education Week"


This week is international education week. To be completely honest I really don’t know what this week means. I thought school would at least do something for this week to give the students a general idea of what international education week is. Since I am from Mexico, being another nation outside the U.S., I would love some how celebrate this week in class or on campus.



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