Welcome to Iliana's Writing Portfolio Wiki!
This is a wiki for my Basic Writing Skills course. I will be using this site to do peer editing and to share my writing with the class.
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To tell you a little about myself, I will post my Essay #1: Memoir/Narrative here once I have written it:
Personal Reflection
My writing had improved because I have learned a lot of thing in this class. First of all, I read the book and I finish all my assignment, By doing my work I had improve my grammar and some spelling. I think my writing have become better then the first day of school. The action I chose to take is to review the book and take notes. Review the book is a good thing because if you miss some things you can find them on the book. Also taking note is a very good idea because by writing notes you can remember more of what you have read from the book. I also improve some of my fragment by checking them twice. I also, learn how to write defrent types of sentences. I had to improve the past tens the present and the future because I still have problems with that. I also, have to work with my gramar and punctuation.
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