

Page history last edited by PBworks 19 years, 1 month ago

Welcome to Edith's Writing Portfolio Wiki!


This is a wiki for my Basic Writing Skills course. I will be using this site to do peer editing and to share my writing with the class.


Personal Reflection

My personal writing has improved from the point when i started this class. Because practice has been really helpful, i had the chance of improving my writing. My first essay that i wrote was not as correct as the last one. That is because my writing has improved and is better. I got practice from journals that i typed every day and assigments on the book that we had to do. Also, before you start to write and essay it makes it easier when you start with some prewriting and a outline. Although, the dook was very helpful i had the chance to practice with the different kinds of sentences. In the book it showed different types of sentences and ideas how to write it better. Last but not least, writing has been easier as a though it was going to be. In counclusion, my pesonal writing has improved.

-------> CUT & PASTE ESSAY #1 HERE Remove arrows<----------


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