

Page history last edited by PBworks 19 years, 1 month ago

Welcome to Danielle's Writing Portfolio Wiki!


This is a wiki for my Basic Writing Skills course. I will be using this site to do peer editing and to share my writing with the class.


About Me

My name is Danielle . I have a six year old sister that goes to kindergarten. I also have a dog his name is Becks. I would like to be a teacher for kinderngarten.

Personal Reflection

I still think I need some help in paragraph's but for the most part this class has helped alot. My writing has gotten better. In my first essay I had many mistakes in punctuation and in run-on sentences. I had to learn not to put so much information in the essay to get my point across. As the semester went on and I wrote more often my errors were not as many. What also helped was blogger's I was always writing and correcting my spelling, punctuation and sentences.

-------> CUT & PASTE ESSAY #1 HERE Remove arrows<----------


My Essays

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